Craft Group

Bowling Group

Community Groups

The Active Healthy Group meets Thursdays from10AM to 1PM at a variety of community locations. Group members learn techniques and strategies used to stay active and healthy. Emphasis is on movement and healthy eating. Members will engage in healthy community based activities like walking, swimming, bowling, golf and games in the park. Along withith health eating incorporated into each session.

individual service

The Craft Group meets from 1-4pm on Wednesdays at local parks or the EMU at the U of O. Classes focus on bringing out creativity while doing easy and engaging crafts. We provide the opportunity and support to gain social, relationship and interpersonal skills. Members engage in community inclusion and 

These groups meet Mondays , Tuesdays , and Saturdays in a variety of community settings. Group members learn and practice techniques and strategies to acquire and strengthen social relationship and interpersonal skills, and social responsiveness. Members will participate in a variety of fun community based activities. Independent travel is encouraged.

Active Group

Specialized Advocacy

The Bowing Group meets on Fridays from 10am to 2pm at Emerald Lanes. We have bowling and a sit down social lunch together. We work with group members to solve social issues with peers and community members, improve relationship and interpersonal skills, and increase social responsiveness. We teach appropriate Bowling technique and etiquette. Independent travel is encouraged.

 One on one support for independent living may include. 
-Safe living in both community and home -Planning, organizing and time management -Goal setting and problem solving -Personal Finances and budgeting -Basic meal preparation and Budgeting -Basic housekeeping
-Personal hygiene -Independent travel

-Personal Safety